Episode 107: 5 Ways to Make Your Email Communication More Efficient

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You may be wondering why Email? Well, the fact is that every day, millions of emails are sent from companies to their customers and suppliers. A well-written email can lead to business success, while a bad email can harm a professional relationship, derail a project, or hurt your reputation. People often think that emails can be less formal, but the messages you send are a reflection of your own professionalism, values, and attention to detail, so a certain level of formatting is needed. Proper formatting improves the chances that the recipient will read, react, and respond positively to your email. You’re emailing your customer to get a response, doing things professionally will help get the responses you are looking for.

Efficiency is key, especially when you are wearing so many hats as the business owner, or whatever your responsibilities are within your company. Juggling all the tasks can be difficult, trust us we know! That is why we discuss these 5 ways that can speed up and streamline your process, while also looking and acting like a professional. We have all sent out an email that we wish we could have back and we want to help you avoid that in the future. We had a lot of success in this area while running Brothers, but we also had our fair share of learning experiences as well. We even chat about a few of ours on the episode. Email is still a key component in what we do every day, why not take the time to do it right?

Show Notes

[01:38] How to create professional email address 

[05:53] Make email your main source of communication 

[11:58] Paper trail is important 

[13:38] Formatting emails properly 

[14:02] Subject Line 

[16:08] Salutation 

[17:05] Introduction 

[19:25] Body of email 

[21:38] Conclusion to email 

[24:06] Email signature

[26:23] Double check typos and grammar 

[28:33] Creating templates 

[33:46] Avoid email disaster 

[36:16] Avoid emotion 

[38:28] Avoid blaming people 

[41:14] Remember it’s in writing 

[44:21] Review your email before sending


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