Pool Chasers Podcast

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Episode 100: Tyler & Greg’s Story - Our Polar Opposite Pasts and How One Moment in Time Formed an Unbreakable Brotherhood

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Episode 100 is here and we can’t believe it! We have interviewed a ton of people over the last few years and while doing so, we have discussed with them how their pasts have shaped who they are today. The background stories are one of our favorite parts of each episode because you can really learn a lot about someone when you understand where they came from and what they have overcome to get to where they are today. So, for this monumental episode, we have decided to flip the script and share our story with you all. Each of us goes back to our roots and discusses our past and how we got to the moment in our life where we crossed paths in our junior year of high school. Our upbringings could not be more opposite as you will hear throughout the episode, but somehow, someway, we found each other and formed an unlikely friendship and brotherhood. 

This story was not easy to tell, as we both share some of our most vulnerable moments, insecurities, and struggles, but we wanted to be real with you, so you understand who we are and what we have overcome in our lives. So, we go deep in this one, but we also have many laughs and discuss some of our favorite moments growing up and all the crazy fun times we had together. They say opposites attract and we could not be a better yin and yang example of that. Since we call each other brothers and we don’t look alike, we get asked all the time how that happened and that is hard to tell in a short conversation, so this is the whole narrative. We hope you connect to our story in some way and that it inspires people to not judge a book by its cover but to look past the surface and get to know people for who they really are. 
