Episode 78: 2019 Highlight Reel - Thank You for a Great Year!

Episode 78 Pool Chasers

Episode 78: 2019 Highlight Reel - Thank You for a Great Year!

2019 has been an incredible year for all of us here at Pool Chasers. We achieved some great milestones this year. We started doing the podcast full time, spoke at our first conference, launched our patreon page, put out episode 50, recorded our first live episode, and eclipsed over 100,000 downloads! We want to say a BIG thank you to all of our listeners for supporting us and the Pool Chasers mission. We also want to thank all of our sponsors and patreon supporters, without you we would not be able to produce the podcast, so we appreciate you all believing in us. 

This year we put out 47 episodes all of which were helpful in their own unique way. These episodes covered a wide variety of topics such as residential and commercial pool service, pool builders, designers, and remodelers, manufacturers products, and water chemistry. We also had some episodes on more specific topics like bid checklists, work-life balance, business, associations, reverse osmosis, water safety, marketing, social media, and photography. We often talk about how many great nuggets there are within these episodes so we wanted to share some of this year’s highlights. Thank you for a great year Pool Chasers community, we appreciate you.



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Live Podcast with Rondo Pools

Phoenix, AZ


Episode 79: Behind the Scenes at Aqua Magazine with Scott Webb and Cailley Hammel


Episode 77: Committing to Education is Essential for Success with Tom Sheehy